I'm that little extra touch that makes your brand look and feel special. I'm a room key, loyalty card, gift voucher holder and my options are endless. GST & Delivery not includedStandard Turn Around: 4 Working days Turn Around from 5pm cut off
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rightStep 5 – Artwork
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Broadband upload speeds are generally much slower than download speeds. The reason for this is that people generally do far more downloading than uploading, so downloading is given priority by the ISPs (who regulate how their networks deal with the various types of traffic). If upload broadband speeds are important to you, be sure to ask your ISP and check the plan that you are on.
A great resource for this is www.speedtest.net, grab the results and check with your ISP if that is what you are paying for.
* Please bear in mind that adding a matt cello glaze will darken the colours by approximately 5% * As per industry standard colours may vary up to 5% * For the best colour accuracy please refer to a Pantone colour guide and not your screen.
Due to our automated systems, IBS cannot be held responsible for any work produced with artwork that is not submitted in line with the required artwork terms. By submitting orders with IBS you agree that all artwork is provided correctly and hereby release and indemnify IBS Design Resources Pty Ltd from any liability in respect to work affected by failure to comply with the required artwork terms.
If your file is not set up correctly, it will be rejected by Order Processing. If you are unsure, please check out our tutorial on How To Set Up Spot UV.
rightStep 6 – Delivery
Delivery Price $0.00
Your total for this job is: $0.00 + GST $0.00
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